Things have been going at a good pace so i definitely don't feel like my stay
here just passed me by..
Friday i hung out with uhnet, luis and danny . We went to south coast plaza and shopped a little , even though i don't think any of us actually shopped. I shopped for some bday presents and lost myself in the paper source store that is fucking awesome...then we ate and had many good laughs.. Luis almost destroyed our table and after all eyes were on us we decided that maybe we were being a bit too loud. We left and headed to their apartment which is beyond SWEET!! when i become a grownup i want to have an apartment like them.
My little sister is obsessed with my nikon she keeps trying to get me to take pictures of her..
she will just start posing and ask me to take my camera out..i hope this is just a phase
Red Room was also on friday night... It was sooooo nice to be able to see everyone! I really missed them ... Steve and Jasmine made my night and "the steve smell" was present and if you don't know what that means , it basically means the best smell ever!!!! I barely drank but it was just good to be able to do the usual red room and hole mole...with the people i care about.
Saturday night was Shadi's birthday celebration, we had a get together at claim jumper. We had a lot of good food and lots of laughs which is always nice. We finished the night watching sex and the city drinking some concoction that michelle thought up and eventually falling asleep. haha were grandma's ..
three more days..