Monday, September 9, 2013

Birthday Time

Every year around my birthday I get the same feeling, this time I'm experiencing it ten folds.
It's this anxiety as I look back at my life and try to figure out if I am living it to the best of my ability. Now I'm turning 30 a milestone that people see as reaching "adulthood." Not sure how I feel about that but I do know that I want to celebrate this year in style. I usually make a wish list of things that I want, translating really to things that I want to buy myself. The older you get, the less you expect formal gifts instead it's outing with friends, elaborate dinners, etc.

When thinking about what I wanted to get this year I realized what I really want is instruments. Besides the fact that my musical talent extends to being able to play a few chords on the ukulele, I really want to get musical. Maybe my mid life crisis is me trying to become a "rock star" maybe this is me crying for a creative outlet to express myself, regardless I am determined that in my thirties there will be a more musical me.
Maybe my talents are undiscovered because I have yet to find the right instrument for myself. Who knows? All I know is that it would be really cool to own a xylophone.

Let's discuss.....