Friday, September 12, 2008

Haaaavvveeee you met Ted?...kind of

Depending on how well you know me .. You'd probably guess that one of my
favorite shows ever is How I Met Your Mother. For all you geeks out
there this is my Lost or Heroes. I follow this show so closely
dissecting plot lines and characters to ultimately get closer to finding
out who the damn mom is. To say I watch this show religiously is an
understatement, so yesterday when me and lex had just luckily strolled
passed Josh Radnor on the streets of hollywood I wanted to jump out of
my skin. Fucking "Ted Mosby" was sitting outside a little cafe talking
on the phone and I was flabbergasted. Lex wouldn't let me go talk to him
obviously because that really would of been weird but I heard the Ted
voice in person and that was really enough! Now that's one down four
more to go...haha just kidding...well kind of.

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