I spent a glorious week having my usual visit to New York during the holidays. Living in California we lose out on the novelty of Christmas. It is almost always 76 and sunny here (excluding last week of course.) Sometimes I just need to see everything decked out in lights, or just the need to feel the cold on my face. The cold I felt, EXTREMELY! I spent most of my time though with Diego in his apartment just watching youtube videos. (we know how to party)
I love Brooklyn and forget that the city isn't always the be all of everything. The culture and some of the sights that you see in Brooklyn could be easily as stunning as anything in the city.
I do go to New York a lot so when I arrive I like to hit up my favorite spots one of them being Grand Morelos , which I affectionately call "dirty mexican food". They are notorious for cheap mexican food at odd hours of the night and somehow they love to give you your check about two hours after you are done with your food. We hit it up on a Friday night and didn't end up leaving till 5:30 am.
It was awesome to see Diego and Rusha!!! It was sad though because there were soo many peopl I didn't get to see :( It's okay I should be back soon. It feels nice to have such good friends so far away and still be completely close to them. Speaking of great friends that are far away Jenn was in town from San Francisco! She was researching schools and it was GLORIOUS for us to reunite in New York. We hit up this awkward karaoke bar on her last night. The bar was filled with men in suits and after Eric went to have a smoke he informed us that a review outside said "an interesting mix of bankers and hipsters" they were on the dot about that one.
Highlight of the trip was getting to see the Who shot rock n roll exhibit at the brooklyn museum of art. I still get chills thinking about it. Next trip is at the end of January and trust me I cannot wait till Utah.

pictures by Michelle and Jenn