It's this anxiety as I look back at my life and try to figure out if I am living it to the best of my ability. Now I'm turning 30 a milestone that people see as reaching "adulthood." Not sure how I feel about that but I do know that I want to celebrate this year in style. I usually make a wish list of things that I want, translating really to things that I want to buy myself. The older you get, the less you expect formal gifts instead it's outing with friends, elaborate dinners, etc.
When thinking about what I wanted to get this year I realized what I really want is instruments. Besides the fact that my musical talent extends to being able to play a few chords on the ukulele, I really want to get musical. Maybe my mid life crisis is me trying to become a "rock star" maybe this is me crying for a creative outlet to express myself, regardless I am determined that in my thirties there will be a more musical me.
Maybe my talents are undiscovered because I have yet to find the right instrument for myself. Who knows? All I know is that it would be really cool to own a xylophone.
Let's discuss.....
1) The Puff and Play Melodica - To be completely honest I know very little about this instrument besides the fact that it seems like a breathalyzer and a keyboard had a baby. I watched countless Youtube videos of people using it to make some cool tunes therefore I obviously HAVE TO HAVE IT.
2) 25 note Xlylophone - You might be thinking to yourself what could you possibly need this for? Well here is the thing, it looks fucking cool. It might look like an elementary school toy but whatever is good enough for The Magnetic Fields is good enough for me.
3) Epiphone Acoustic Les Paul Electric Ukulele I know what you are thinking, electric ukulele? An oxymoron right? Wrong. The Ukulele has been the only instrument in the last five years that I have taken a liking too, why can't I rock out while doing so?
4) Electric Bass Guitar Starter Kit When it comes to the bass, my attitude is why not? I might have an inner Billie Joe waiting to get out. It's the only instrument I never cared for but have recently become obsessed with the idea of owning one.
5) Honey Tone Mini Amp This obviously would be what I need to help me rock out on my electric ukulele or bass. I want to play it loud, okay maybe not that loud but definitely want to at least have something that looks retro.
Let's see if any of these gets my musical mojo going.
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