Sunday, July 27, 2008

my little sister wrote this...

now she is probably going to come off as the most narcissistic child EVER
but really she means well..or at least i hope she does ..
she wrote this in her might be a short story ..or a poem? maybe ?
anyways this is what goes on in my 7 year old sisters very afraid

title: being so beautiful

There is nothing wrong with being beautiful unless you always look in the mirror all
the time. 3 boys like me but i don't always talk about it, i think? Sometimes when people are beautiful they put a lot of makeup on and look like a clown in public. But i dont do that neither my family , my mom and grandma only put on lipstick and that's okay. Sometimes people put on makeup all the time. Sometimes being beautiful is creative, sometimes it could be an art make up face. But everybody's beautiful no matter what any one else says it's your opinion not theirs. We can all have different makeup unless it too much makeup and the amount of makeup your mom says for kids is your mom's opinion . the end.

by : danielle mc gonigle..

there was a lot of confusion in the end of the paragraph but i think we all got the point.
you know those damn 7 year olds can never wrap up the conclusions....

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