Enough about that now on to other things. The past few weeks I have found myself in more social situations that I could shake a stick at. I love my friends but if you know me I am not exactly the social butterfly. A couple of weeks ago my co-workers coerced me into staying in LA for the night so they could show me around, what ended up happening was that 2 pitchers of pbr, a dozen or so beers, one jack and coke later I couldn't remember where I was...eeekkk.
this is Kyle he normally is a nice guy from Conneticut but that night he was pretty much an evil killer.
Marshall being a creepster..
Daniel and his friend decided to get a way past midnight snack. About five minutes later Daniel ran upstairs to show us his room where he then decided to pass out.
Marshall being himself, no seriously!
This is Marshall's pet snake. Snakes are a lot cuter than we give them credit for.
I'm really looking into neighborhoods in LA to move to. I don't like LA but in all honesty I can't hold out any longer in moving out and it's either LA or Orange County and since I work in LA I think one is a no brainer. Neighborhoods like Echo Park and Los Feliz are really calling out to me right now. To be honest I just want a place to hang pictures on the wall and bake cookies the rest really doesn't matter.
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