Tuesday, August 9, 2011

This is our stories.....Brand New

In December 2002 my friends and I boarded a plane headed for New York City. It was the first time any of us had flown alone, and our first time in the "big scary city". The reason we were flying? A band of course! A band that only a year prior did we become acquainted with and who we had seen 10 times that year even before boarding that plane. When we landed in the city  we dropped off our things at a hotel and went straight to the Knitting Factory where another band, The Movielife, was playing with another favorite of ours the now defunct band The Reunion Show. The show was sold out and we waited outside to see if anyone had an extra ticket. We spotted someone smoking outside of the venue who had a Your Favorite Weapon tattoo on her arm. I went up to her and told her "Brand New, I love them" she took a puff from her cigarette, took a look at me and without missing a beat responded "No you don't". This person would later become one of my closest friends but at the time she was the only person I knew that loved this silly band as much as we did. I had always referred to her as Brand New's biggest fan. No matter where I flew to see them in the East Coast, she was there front row. I ran into her for years, always feeling the comfort that there was someone out there who was just like me. 

If you aren't aware of the band Brand New there really isn't much to say about them that a good ol' google search won't tell you. What I can tell you is that there are a lot of us. People who are zombie like followers of this band. In a trance, following them around stateside in order to hear their music and get their fill. If there was every anyone to take the throne as Queen Bee of these zombie nuts without knowing it, your Queen is Catherine. With 100 plus shows under her belt, a Brand New music collection that takes up most of the space in her IPod, and memorabilia that would entitle her to open up a museum I would say she is pretty close to number one fan status. I think the one thing people are always asking me when I tell them how many times I have seen this band is "Why do you see them so much?" amongst a plethora of other questions. I thought it would be a little fun to finally come out and just spill the beans with a little question and answer session between us girls. If you are a fan I encourage you to do the same.....

 "Brand new is what brought us together, we like to refer to it as world colliding."

When was the first time you heard Brand New? Details , age, location, how you got into it....
Catherine: Mp3.com, seriously. When I lived in Queens, I would constantly look for local bands within in a certain radius of my zip code. That’s also how I discovered the Movielife, and Taking Back Sunday. I had to be about 15 or 16 at the time. I remember it being late summer, maybe early fall.
What was your first Brand  New show? 
Catherine: My first show was December 2001, at Birch Hill in New Jersey, may that venue rest in peace. Catch 22 was headlining the main room stage, and Brand New was opening on the sting ray stage, in the next room. Wakefield was headlining. My father drove me to the show, my parents weren’t comfortable with me taking the subway alone late at night. My father would rather drive me to Jersey, than to Manhattan. The night before they played Brownies, Birch Hill was a great first show, but still to this day I would rather have been at that Brownies show.
When did you decide to start following them? How did it happen? Why? 
Catherine: Because the East Coast is so congested seeing them several times in a week in different states wasn’t a problem. All I needed was a train schedule, and a metro card, and it was on. It wasn’t until after their Deja hiatus that things began to get real. I found friends who loved and missed Brand New as much as I did. Good friends and gas money gets you far. The first time I flew across the country for them was July of ’06, it actually started off as a kind of joke.  It was the last night of their tour, and we were outside Webster Theater talking about the show, if you could actually call what we were vocalizing “talking”. It was mostly, “WHAT THE FUCK? HOLYSHIT WHAT WAS THAT? OH MY GOD!” Their next show on the East Coast wasn’t for a few months, and we had just gotten off a three month tour. I wasn’t ready to not have another show lined up. Jokingly we said we should go to California for Bamboozle Left. Best-Joke idea ever!

How did the early shows differ from them now? 
Catherine: Venue size for one thing. During the Your Favorite Weapon years, they acted very much like young pop-punk kids on stage, jumping, tossing guitars, swinging the bass. The Deja years, were kind of dark period for me. The venues were getting bigger, and ticket prices were increasing, so my attendance at those shows was rare. I couldn’t afford both travel, and tickets. Plus their stage presence was kind of dull, stick in the muds. But it all changed when they came back from their hiatus, I just can’t. I always thought I would think of 2001, and 2002 as my golden years in terms of Brand New, 2006, and 2007…I just can’t.

What was the NY/East coast crowd when Brand New was coming up ?
Catherine: Painful. Just, painful. When they headlined CBJB’s in April of 2002 was and still to this day possibly the most painful show I have ever went too. Kids were literally hanging from the ceiling. It was a beautiful thing. Limping to the subway after the show covered in other peoples sweat, as well as my own was the moment I knew that this band was for me.

How many shows have you been to? 
Catherine: Since I’ve missed the past tours, I am still at 143.

What's the farthest you traveled
Catherine: CALIFORNIA! The first time I ever traveled was for brand new. I am still waiting for that opportunity to go overseas, but it hasn’t happened yet.
Favorite show? Ok to list more than one 
Catherine: April 2002, CBGB’s for sure. For many reasons, it was just an awesome show. Also, it was a hell of a lineup. Coheed, Recover and Thrice. I went to the DMV weeks before the show just to get my first Non-Drivers license so I could get it to the venue. 16+ shows!!

Least Favorite show? 
Catherine: The Deja tour, I only went to two or 3 shows. But the worst was The Troc in Philly. It was just a boring mediocre show. It started off dull, and just continued to flat line. Although this was also before I knew how magical Tautou is. I was really late to that band wagon.

Most embarrassing moment related to the shows or band? 
Catherine: I have an embarrassing moment daily. I know I’ve had several at brand new shows. Most of them I have, or am still trying to forget. I once had a panic attack at a show; I think it was in one of the Carolina’s. I was in the front, and something just triggered me, I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t get out fast enough. I ended up in the bathroom stall with my head between my legs crying.

Any regrets? 
Catherine: Only that I’ve missed certain shows. I mean, I’ve lost friends because of Brand New. When I make friends I make sure they are fully aware of the “Brand New Clause”; if a Brand New show occurs on any special holiday and that includes birthdays, weddings and possibly funerals I will always choose Brand New. No one is excluded from this, except my Mother.

Favorite song/Album? 
Catherine: I have so many favorites for so many reasons. Your Favorite Weapon will always be my favorite, mainly for its sentimental values. Musically Devil and God is my favorite.

Favorite song to hear live? 
Catherine: SHOWER SCENE! Memories and they have a tendency to act like their younger selves. Welcome to Bangkok summer ’07. It was just…a spectacular shit-show every night.

Craziest thing that has ever happened?  
Catherine:  I don’t know if this is crazy, or just stupid. I once spent 180 dollars for two scalped tickets. It was a radio show, so they had a 35 minute set. I still look back on that moment with rolled eyes. Also, I booked a 13 hour trip to Chicago to see them. I suppose the ridiculous amount of time I’ve spent sleeping in Airports, Train Stations, or Bus Stations. It’s kind of obnoxious.

How do you feel towards the band?
Catherine: They are who they are, whatever. As long as they play the jams I want to hear. I could care less if their nudes end up online. Just kidding, it was totally hilarious, and I loved every minute of it.

Favorite member of Brand New? 
Catherine: Garrett! How can he not be everyone’s favorite? When he’s on stage he looks like he’s reconstructing an engine in his head. He seems so disconnected from everything when he plays.  I’ve seen him come out eating a sandwich. The dude is just fierce.

If you could say something to them what would it be?
Catherine: I’ve actually thought about this before, a lot too. I would say thank you, they brought me great friends, great times, and memories to last several lifetimes. They have been the only consistent thing in my life for the past 10 years. And, finally I would like to ask them if they are tax-deductible.  Being a Brand New fan doesn’t come cheap.

Do you ever feel self-conscious because you follow them around? 
Catherine:  Yes, and no. Seeing them so many times, and so often you are bound to run into a familiar face again. I just try not to talk about, or let people know how insane I really am.

What is your response when people ask you why you see them soo much? 
Catherine: The number one question is “How do you afford it?” I must have been asked that a 1000 times. My only reply is you just make it work. I save my money for these moments. If anything, Brand New has taught me the art of being poor, and doing without.

Can you sum up what this whole experience has meant to you? 
Catherine: I wish I could, but it’s just so surreal. They have been the only consistent thing in my life. I’ve changed, I’ve lost and gained friends, I’ve moved around. Brand New has always been there. Ten years is a long time, I’ve never liked anything for 10 years. Brand New has pretty much made me the person I am today. If that’s for the better or the worse, I don’t know.

When was the first time you heard Brand New? Details , age, location, how you got into it....
Melissa: First time I heard Brand New was in December 2001, I was 18.  I followed this blogger that was originally from LI but moved to Canada, weird much? He would always end his post with a song of the day. He once put TBS and Brand new at the end of his post and he would IM me and tell me to listen to TBS because it was nothing like he ever heard. I downloaded both on Audio Galaxy (yeah remember that?) and became obsessed. I remember thinking that Brand New sounded like pop punk bands with a lot smarter lyrics. It was brilliant !

What was your first Brand  New show?

Melissa: April 2002 when they opened for The Starting Line. I had no ride and my younger sister would not let me go with her and her friends because as she put it there was "no room in the car". I paid my older sister's friend 20 dollars to drive me to Pomona since my dad didn't want to take me, he said it wasdangerous. I went with no ticket, completely by myself. As soon as I got dropped off I walked about two steps before someone yelled "Anyone need a ticket?" then only one other step before I ran into a friend of mine. It was that easy... she was going to be my ride home until she lost her keys during Brand New's set, we always joke that she lost them in the pit during "Last Chance to Lose Your Keys"

When did you decide to start following them? How did it happen? Why?

Melissa: It happened completely by accident. I had a group of friends that I knew solely from going to shows. We all decided to go see TBS/BN play two sold out shows in OC/LA.We didn't have tickets to either of them but we knew we just wanted to see them. After those two shows we decided we wanted to see them play when they came to California but this time we were going to make a trip of it. It always just got bigger and bigger after that but I never thought of it as us following them as much as us getting to see something we love. Like renting a movie you love over and over.

How did the early shows differ from them now?
Melissa: As for the shows crowd wise, obviously it was on a lot smaller scale. The energy was there from the beginning, the crowd was crazier but so dedicated. I never felt like there were fair-weather fans in the audience. Just a group of kids that loved the music just as much as I did. The band seemed excited, more energetic but that is what youth is. As for us, we were kids not knowing what we were doing. We would sleep in cars, take greyhounds everywhere all to get to hear this band whose music we love so much.
Now we stay in nicer hotels :)

How many shows have you been to?
Melissa: I had stopped counting after 50 in 2003, the only other time I counted after that was about 83 maybe in 2007. I know I broke 100 but whatever...

What's the farthest you traveled?
Melissa: East Coast. Since December 2002 and I haven't stopped since. I had a friend who told me once that I jumped back and forth from NY to LA like I was playing hop scotch, that seems pretty accurate. The only thing stopping me from going overseas in the beginning was my expired passport. A few years ago I  decided that I didn't want my first time in a country to be because of a band. I recently changed my mind on that so you never know.

Favorite show? Ok to list more than one

Melissa: There are way too many to mention but I will try. Both Bottom of the Hill shows I have attended, the first being in 2002 the other one being the Myspace secret show. I had to go work that day and my friend and I missed our flights just so we could sleep in the car and wait to get in. There were so many people crammed into that small venue but it just felt right. Troubadour show Summer of 2002, when they opened for  TBS. We didn't have any tickets but we convinced people in line to sell us their tickets for $100 dollars and we would also throw in a Your Favorite Weapon Vinyl. Ridiculous? Maybe....The House of Blues Show in Chicago, it was the first time I didn't go into the crowd but the show was great and we literally flew out there for 11 hours.

I also have to add the Triple Crown Anniversary show. Besides the sheer awesomeness of them playing Your Favorite Weapon from start to finish, it was amazing that I even made it there. Catherine had messaged me in the beginning of the month telling me she had an extra ticket to the show and that I needed to find a way to get there. I had no vacation time left so I just went to NY for 4 days and used my Christmas bonus. It worked out perfectly and it was fun to relive the "old days" .

Least Favorite show?
Melissa: The only show that stands out is a show on the Devil and God tour in San Diego, it was definitely the worst crowd I have ever experienced. At one point the people around me were talking so loud I could not hear Brand New at all. Also I flew to SLC to see them once by myself and that kind of blew. 

Most embarrassing moment related to the shows or band?
Melissa: I have a few, most of them involving me being drunk in the crowd. Atlantic City was pretty bad, we were dancing to the opening band and this one guy yelled at me so I kneed him in the balls. It felt great but I think I ran into the crowd after because I thought I was going to get kicked out, in fact I was so drunk afterward that I could barely walk out of the venue.

This one is not embarrassing just hilarious, I once begged my friend to wait for me till I got out of work to drive to Vegas to see BN. I was hoping we would be able to make it on time but as soon as I saw the lights of the strip we got a flat tire. We got a tow truck to tow us to the venue to see if we could make it for at least one song but as soon as we reached the doors they opened up and everyone was coming out. We got back into the tow truck and as it was turning around the corner my friend yelled for it to stop got out and ran to where the backstage area was... She ran up to Vinnie and started telling him what had happened and said something along the lines of "you are probably sick of seeing my face but you better get used to it because you are going to keep seeing it" I still laugh about it now.

Favorite song/Album?
Melissa: I have two favorites both cheesy, Secondary (yes you read it right) and Moshi Moshi. I think mostly due to the fact that I never hear Secondary live so I can't get sick of it, and Moshi Moshi is so fucking cute it should be a stuffed animal so I could hug it all day. As for album I love Deja, I know that musically it is not the most ground breaking but those songs take me back.

favorite song to hear live? 
Melissa: "Archers", that song does something to the rhythm of my heart. Just the beginning of it, with the drums will get my blood pumping.  There have been times where I chose not to be in the crowd but as soon as that song comes on I need to bolt in.

Craziest thing that has ever happened?

Melissa:  My friends and I decided on a whim to fly to NY in 2002 because we thought it was important to see our favorite band in their hometown. Someone who we met during a tour told us he could get us in because as I recall he told us "he ran long island". So we flew out there caught a few shows with the intention of seeing Brand New play Sports Plus. When we got there we realized the guy was lying and we had no tickets. Awesome right? We literally stayed in the lobby watching stupid girls decked out in Simple Plan trucker hats walking into the show. Far be it to say we were crushed, before we left we saw Catherine (who we had just met a few days before) and told her that if she saw Jesse to tell him California says goodbye. I have no idea what she said because when we were about to leave Jesse walked out with 4 bracelet for us. We literally snatched the bracelets out of his hands and ran into the venue. Nine years later Catherine is one of my closest friends in the world, who would of thought?
I also once got stuck in an elevator in Salt Lake City moments before doors were about to open. We had a hotel across the street from the venue and I went to put something away and it got stuck. The man next to me called the front desk and told them not to worry because he was in no hurry. I then proceeded to call my friend telling her to go to the front desk and cause the biggest scene she could, I might of even said to jump on top of the front desk if she had to. The man then called the front desk again and said if we didn't get out in five minutes he was going to call the fire department. We were out 8 minutes later.

How do you feel towards the band?
Melissa: I can answer that with a story, a long time ago we had an acquaintance that was dating someone affiliated with Brand New. We had planned on going on this road trip and then all of a sudden she was dating their tour manger or something or other, regardless no one cared. At the time my friends and I had got a bunch of online fans together to make a scrap book of sorts for BN. I remember it was during their Dashboard/MXPX tour because they were playing these huge venues. We got the scrapbook in their hands somehow but the girl told us that when the band got it they were making fun of it and talking shit. Now I don't know if this is true and if it is who cares, the point is that at the moment I heard this it broke my heart but at the same time made me realize that it was never about the people it will always be about the music. Sometimes fans tend to feel like they are owed something. I payed this much to see you, I went to all these shows, what can you give to me blah blah blah and there has to be a point where the exchange is done. I think once you understand that you can leave the venue a happy person. Just close your eyes for the hour and 45 minutes they are on stage and get into it.

Favorite member of Brand New?
Melissa: Cliche answer but Jesse. He was the first person I talked to in the band without knowing he was in the band. I knew he was affiliated with a band when I asked him if I could buy guest list spots from him, he told me he could give me two. He didn't know me and didn't need to be nice but he was. I mean that man has seen me grow up and I think it's kind of weird. I think that's why I get upset when I hear people talking shit on him. I don't know him personally and I doubt the people who say shit like "he looks miserable, he's kind of a jerk" know him personally. I am not actually sticking up for dick like behavior or anything but I'd be a dick too if I had mostly bro's going to my shows and I hadn't been home in months. Well I can't use myself as an example because I am a dick...

If you could say something to them what would it be?

Melissa: Play Daisy live!

Do you ever feel self conscious because you follow them around?
Melissa: There was a point where I did, I mean how can you not? I always thought that these people must think I am crazy, stupid, or that I have no job or life. Contrary to the fact I am a pretty well adjusted person, I have a full time job, I have okay social skills it's just this is what makes me happy. Some people snort cocaine I just like to watch a good show.

What is your response when people ask you why you see them soo much?
Melissa: I have no answer, I mean logically I could see where it seems ridiculous. The one thing I get asked a lot is "don't they play the same thing over and over?" The experience of seeing Brand New doesn't start and end at the show. There are road trips, hanging at the venue, rocking out together, dinners after where we dissect the show. This is what it is like.... I have met so many great people from these shows and have traveled to places I didn't think I'd want to go to because of them. At one point it is bigger than the band. I do have to refer back to an old journal entry I wrote after a show 

"I cried during the new song they played. I couldn't take it, it was the first time
I really knew what it felt like to love music. I mean i always thought i knew
but i missed that man's voice like i missed an old friend, and im not saying Jesse's voice
in general I mean everything. The chords he played, the lyrics of the songs, everything
i missed...

I think that describes it perfectly.


Catherine said...


Elwood Jay said...

This is so beautiful. :) Thank you