Monday, June 18, 2007

my feet are going to kill me

i walked miles and miles it seemed
through little italy and china town all the way around
i thought that getting off at any stop on the subway
would be a good idea now im becoming more familiar
with things which is great ...
but you know what is definetly not great
my feet and the state they are in right now..
so i am publicly offering up this apology letter..

dear feet,

I'm sorry i took you for granted today ..i understand
that you often do all the work and i take the credit for it
but really it's not how it seems..Yes i know that i should
of listened to you about an hour and a half into the walk
and just gone home but i really was having too much fun..
next time i promise i'll take your feelings into consideration.
love you
more than you know,
p.s. im sorry i made you run after we saw that guy who i "thought"
was ryan adams but really wasn't ..i know you werent feeling that

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