Saturday, March 8, 2008

i've made it to nyc

...and of course it's raining!
I somehow got sick on one of my gazillion lay overs and now im paying the price.
It is so cold outside anytime i step out my lungs feel like they are collapsing, i hope
this is not a foreshadowing of the coming months.
There are a list of things i must get to...
a lot of buying stuff i forgot to pack,
a lot of remembering the stuff i forgot to pack and seeing if they can ship it over
so i won't have to buy it, then there's that big thing you know the whole finding a place to live thing. yeah if anyone knows of any places that need a roomate let me know ASAP!!!

Today i ventured out with Lex to see a movie , we saw Miss Pettigrew lives for a day ..
it was a very entertaining movie , i dare say i REALLY REALLY liked it...
Amy Adams was amazing in it, and this time i knew it was her and not Isla Fischer who i am
constantly confusing her for, i went a few years thinking they were the same person which
up until this movie i had my doubts but she was so charming and electric in the movie ...
but just to plead my case

Amy Adams...


Isla Fischer

Do you see it...
I was thinking of marketing a SCENE IT based on movies and the question
Isla Fischer or Amy Adams....???
maybe i should wait till they make more movies though?
there will be a lot more random blogging once i can come to my senses, realize that im in new york city and get over this stupid sickness thing

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