I know that being retro is all the rage nowadays, this coming from a person who only uses film cameras and even worse still uses a small tape player to listen to music BUT trust me this is an involuntary reflex. Somewhere along the lines I just fell into the way of thinking, "if it's not broke don't fix it". I wouldn't say that I am afraid of technology but I would say that I wish we could just slow down and enjoy things for awhile. Every few months it seems like we keep improving on things that in my opinion don't need much improving in the first place. There is always something bigger and better coming along in the next few months making society never feel like they are satisfied. I hate that feeling! So I personally have chosen to slow down.
Like I mentioned above I use a small tape player as my primary music player. This happened all by accident when I saw one for under 3 dollars at a thrift store. It was just sitting there and I thought " Hey why not?" I then noticed how affordable tapes are selling, sometimes for as low as a quarter. I love going to Amoeba because they always have some great selections. These are my latest finds....

The funny thing is The Cranberries "No Need To Argue" tape was the first tape I ever purchased and here I was almost 16 years later purchasing it again.
This right here is my gem, a Dinosaur Jr album on tape with no artwork. Comes right in time as the news of the Bug re-issue on tape , coming full circle maybe?
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